Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A couple of weeks ago us and some of the other expat families decided to head out for a Sunday walk. We've being looking up at Sarangkot for the last few months waiting for the monsoon to clear so that we can climb to the top to the promise of great views of the mountains at the top. We finally got around to it, unfortunately by the time we made it up there the views were well and truely gone but we still had a great time. Check out some of our photos.

Lillies on Phewa Taal

Jo had the added weight of Mikaela (the daughter of another expat and bunny - most essential)

Paragliders come from all around the world to fly at Pokhara

It can get pretty crowded up there

This is development in Nepal. A perfectly good stone staircase used by all the locals is carved out to make way for a road. This road is OK but often there is no reinforcing on the banks etc and with the next monsoon the road very quickly becomes another landslide taking out someones farm and their food for the next year and costing more for the digger to go back and recreate the road.

These guys are everywhere, the paragliders love them as they're so good at finding thermals

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