Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dashai Photos

During the big festival of dashai (the largest hindu festival which has lots of holidays and the atmosphere is a little like Christmas) one thing that is built on nearly every corner is a ping. Yes, it is a bamboo swing. You can see how big they are built based on the size of the adults in the photos.
Jo has been working at the hospital through this time and has also seen some great xrays of people who have fallen off them and broken both hands, legs and backs. If this was in NZ we think ACC would try to ban them or at least put thousands of dollars of cushioning underneath, that is if the council allows you to build one in the first place. However, htey are soo much fun and you can get really high on them.

The other main thing that happens at dashai is that thousands and thousands of animals are slaughtered as sacrifices to one of the hindu gods. Many people travel back to their home villages therefore there are a huge number of vehicles on the road - often with the sacrifices coming along for the ride.

Some sort of sheep

This is called a changria - it looks like a goat and sounds like a sheep! The Nepalis think of it more as a sheep than a goat. Its meat is not particularly tasty and is quite chewy but that may also be cos they wait till they are old to eat.

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