Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Marks parents arrive in Kathmandu

Marks parents, Ally and Helen came and spent three weeks with us. We had a fabulous time and have thousands of photos that we are slowly sorting through to pick a few for you.

We also hope that these cheer our family up in Christchurch at this time. We are thinking and praying for you and we have some special photos that we have been taking to give you some ideas on how to redecorate your houses - we will get them organised and post them in time!

Ally and Helen live in a very rural part of NZ, Pongaroa.

And we met them in Kathmandu......
 where there are lots of armed people.....
 street hawkers..... they were very very keen to shine Allys shoes and cut his beard off..


 lots and lots and lots of buildings..............


 narrow streets with all sorts of interesting shops.................

 and other scenes......

And lots and lots and lots of people........
 crazy 'holy' men.........
 rickshaws rides after stiff bargaining...........

And endless shopping............

 And endless construction...............

 And crazy traffic.........
 and more armed people in the crazy traffic.........
We got them out of Kathmandu after a day and here are some photos that Ally took on the drive over to Pokhara....

 yes, the bus driver is looking backwards!
 Yes, we are going forward, and we drive on the left (sort've) in this country

 They were breathing a sigh of relief when they saw paddocks - and couldn't believe the terrain and the terracing that has happened over years.

They found Pokhara a much more relaxed version of Kathmandu
We walked all around Pokhara...........

 Climbed the 800m from the lake to the top of Sarangkot.........

 the day we went was a paragliders comp - 40 people in the sky at once.....

 bought fruit and veges............
 witnessed yet more construction.........

 and terrraced fields - these have mustard growing in it. Did you know that the seeds for Colmans mustard is the nepali strain...........

And we climbed stone steps - part of the holiday that was less enjoyed by some!
 We took boats out on the lake - it is so peaceful on the lake.

Found yet more temples........

 Watched mircolights come and go....
  and generally just watched how they live in Pokhara.........
 And watched the sunrise from our deck of the views we have....! (not to brag!)

Then we got up really early and went trekking but you have to wait to see those photos!

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