Thursday, March 17, 2011


Once back in Kathmandu we escaped into the hills around the valley.
The Japanese have funded a big new road - it has lane marking, traffic lights (that aren't obeyed), median barriers and all sorts of other modern things!

 When we arrived we went for a walk to a high point to see Everest!

And at this point Ally and Helen were very very glad they didn't have to cut grass and carry it to all their stock!
We then went for a walk through the town...
You must realise that we went there after hearing about the Christchurch earthquake and were thinking about these things as we looked around the town...

And then headed back to chaotic Kathmandu
A 107m statue of shiva
The paddocks around the kathmandu valley. It is a very fertile area.

Scattered throughout the valley are thousands of brick factories to try and keep up with the demand of building in Kathmandu

This is the road to our hotel - chaotic Kathmandu.

We had a fantastic time with Ally and Helen and it was with saddness that we farewelled them. We are now back in Pokhara and frantically watching Marks building go up. But he will tell you about that later!

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