Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maoist Strike.....

Yesterday the Maoist party staged a large demonstration in Kathmandu with 125'000 supporters, the intention was to force the government to step down to allow a Maoist lead government to take control. So far the government has not given in to the demands of the Maoists and as a result the Maoists have called an indefinate general stike across the whole country. This means that no vehicles are allow on the roads and no shops are allowed to open. If you are caught on the road there is a good chance your car or motorcycle will be burnt. Back when the King was overthrown the Maoists used a similar tactic and the strike lasted 19 days. Hopefully this time it is resolved sooner.....Please pray that this is resolved quickly and peacefully.

 Riot police keeping an eye on Maoists protestors

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