Monday, August 8, 2011

Monsoon happenings

Really sorry - we have  been really slack about keeping up to date with the blog lately. It is mostly due to the fact it is the monsoon. The monsoon started on time this year and we have had a lot more rain than last year but when the sun has been out it has been really sticky. However, it doesn't give us lots to fill you in on as everyone just puts they're heads down and survives!

We have both been really busy with work and delightfully we can say that the OPD building that Mark is supervising is now moving ahead well - finally. Mark will keep you posted on that.

We also got a new Nya Gaun road. For those of you who have visited us or lived here you know how exciting and how long in the making that has been. Here are some photos.

The government approved the money for this a year or more ago but didn't actually release it until about 4 weeks before it needed to be spent, if it wasn't spent then the money was lost and so was the 60% contribution the local residents put in. However, the money was released at the same time as the heavy monsoon rains started. One day 1km of tar was laid only to be washed away with a heavy rain storm all night long. The next day everyone walked in ankle deep water/oil spill to work and then walked black tar through the offices! Prayers were then sent heavenward for 1 week of good weather so that it would be finished. The did one lane at a time and the thought was that if the money rain out only one lane would be finished and the nepalis would only drive on that side of the road - both ways!
Fortunatley our prayers were answered and the road is finished.
 The preparation area.
 This year they had a machine that mixed the tar and gravel together instead of it being done manually as it was last year.

 The tar was heated over a fire in 44 gallon drums....

 Then put into the mixer....
Put onto a tractor.....

And put onto the road where it was brushed smooth manually - no the people walking on it didn't have steel cap boots, cloth shoes.

 And it was rollered flat.
Our new road - some parts have already started breaking down!

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