Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Power Struggles

We've been having all sorts of issues with power in our neck of the woods lately. They have been fiddling around with the power lines as part of the road works on our street. About a month ago a transformer blew up and we were without power for two days while they installed a new one. We ended up having a power cut party, this involves cooking up all the food in your freezer and fridge before it goes off and inviting everyone around to eat it.

Just when we thought everything had settled down there were problems with the new transformer and we lost power again for nearly two days. This time we put all our stuff in a friends freezer. That was fixed and then the other day we had a massive power surge which fried our fancy surge guard that Marion kindly carried all the way from New Zealand, along with the main circuit breakers for our house. We found out today that the voltage got up to 400V, normal is 220V. Quite a few of our neighbours fridges and tv's were destroyed. Fortunately our laptop that was running at the time was fine, I guess in that respect the surge guard did its job. We find it kind of funny that the wooden Nepali made surge guard ( survived without any problems.


  1. Better the surge guard than the devices it was protecting! I went to Evening Prayer at St. Marys last night with a friend who is up from Raumati. A nice little service I will try and go to more often when I am in New Plymouth in the evenings.
    Cheers Greg the other Dowle

  2. That's what I decided, we've managed to get it fixed so all is not lost. We've been to a couple of evening services at St Mary's and also quite enjoyed them, it is a great church.
