Thursday, May 13, 2010

Youth Group Camp

Well, Mark and I helped out with a youth group camp this weekend. So many aspects were so different to a NZ camp of which a few I thought were worth mentioning.

In Nepal school finishes at 1pm on a Friday. The camp was scheduled to start at 2 but it started at 8 on Friday as the schools were closed due to the bandha. We missed the morning as we had our Nepali classes. In the afternoon there were a variety of speakers talking to the group of 50 church going youth.
In true Nepali style Dahl Bhaat (check out the photos of the quantities made!!) was served up followed by a talent contest.
They were all in bed asleep by 10pm!! They didn't bring bedding - just sleep in their clothes on the floor (which is about as hard as their beds at home)!!!
The following morning the boys were playing football by 5.30am!! The first speaker spoke to them from 6.30AM!! They always start with singing and all the youth sing their little hearts out - especially the boys!! While the speaker talks they sit on the floor, girls on one side and boys on the other - for more than an hour and they listen attentively and take notes on what is written on the whiteboard the church doesn't own a projector.

It was our job to run games from 7.30am. They learn differently here - they need to have it demonstrated once and then they go for it. However, we didn't realise that and don't speak the language very well, and Mark forgot the rules so it all got a little interesting but they eventually understood!! To those from New Plymouth we played '4 on a couch'. They were much quicker and didn't cheat like NP youth!!!

We had a church service at the same time as the main church service. The youth leader from another church - for those who have lived here - her name was Buddi Maya!!! This was followed by crafts!! Mark and I were a little surprised but both the boys and girls were cutting paper out into flower shapes, colouring them in and then folding them up - like 5 year olds in NZ!!! It was such a novel thing for them that they really enjoyed it all.
This was followed by football. However, a very heavy downpour put pay to that and instead it became a waterfight/slide!!!

Dahl Bhaat was served and the youth went home as today is Sunday and they have school today!!

One also needs to mention what Nepali youth bring to their camp - a very small bag with one change of clothes - no make up, straightening irons, cellphones, 3kg of lollies, ipods, bottles of V...........................


  1. m, I don't understand bottles of V.........

  2. Santosh, V is a drink that is available in our home country that gives a lot of energy for a short period of time. In order to be able to stay awake through a camp youth drink it. I think it tastes terrible and you guys all have so much energy that you don't need it as you eat dahl bhaat!!
