Thursday, July 23, 2009

Well things seem to be progressing nicely though these is still plenty to do. Next Thursday we break the news to the youth group, we're not sure how that is going to go down, I suspect some of them might be a little gutted that we're leaving but they'll survive.

I'm currently sitting in Rotorua trying to write sponsorship letters while Jo is at a physio conference, really I'm just procrastinating so here are a few maps to show you where we're being posted.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hi All,

It's now official we're off to Nepal in Janurary 2010. This has been in the pipe line for the last few years but now God is making it happen. The letter arrived via email from the Bissett's on Thursday we have been accepted by INF to serve for two years in Ghorai which is in the Dang district. We'll be spending the first four to five months in Pohokura undergoing language and orientation training. After that we're off to Ghorai where Jo will take up a post working along side a Nepali Physio and I'll be assisting the programme management team.

We've got a really busy six months ahead of us to prepare for two years away, funds need to be raised, the house needs to be rented out.....I'm not going to bother continuing that list those two are enough to think about for now.

Our faith is in the Lord and we know that he wants us there and that he will provide.

Love and God Bless